In the last few years, I have really stepped up my game when it comes to buying books. I pretty much keep to Fantasy and Science Fiction, so my library is getting quite impressive. (If I do say so myself) My friends and family all joke that I have a problem and need help. 🙂

I think getting the ability to have a library in my home has made me worse as I know now I have somewhere to store all of these dozens of books I buy. My wife and I now spend time on weekends visiting local towns to look in charity shops. Her for her own collections and me for books. It’s a nice way to spend my time. Any new place we go now I am looking for bookshops or charity shops so I can buy more books.
It’s recently been fathers Day here in the UK, and in the grand tradition, my kids used my wishlists to buy me books. I love expanding my collection and I am definitely a sucker for signed or special books. Below is my Father’s Day haul.

Then the next day two deliveries arrived. A hardback of Enders Game, which I am ashamed to say I haven’t read, just seen the film. This hardback should solve that when I get around to reading it. The other book was a signed and numbered edition of The Hawkling by Rebecca Zahabi, you may have read a review of the site for it as I read an arc. It’s going to make a nice addition to my collection.

I may have a problem but, as far as problems go it’s a good one to have. I will go on making my library better and slowly working my way through these books.