Hi, my name is Graham, and I have a problem.
I feel like any post I put up about a book haul should start with these words. My family and friends laugh about my book-buying addiction and to be honest most of the time I agree with them. I have a problem. But, it’s not a problem I need help with, I could have worse vices than book buying.
Most of the books I buy I honestly have the intention of reading, but I did the math and I don’t have enough time left in this lovely creative book-filled world. Until we win the lottery that is, then I will have a library magnitudes bigger than the one I have now, and my job will be traveling to all of these other worlds and living a thousand lives. Until then I soldier on.

But I digress. This weekend I have two piles of books to add to my library, the first image below is from Waterstones. V E Schwab’s new book is signed and will make a nice addition to the library. The others were bought when an amazing bookseller Stephen pursuaded me I needed to buy more. I mean it didn’t take much persuading. But Stephen has not steered me wrong yet. 🙂
If you want good book recommendations visit the Waterstones in Middlesborough. Steven will set you right.
The below image is my charity shop haul. for this, we went to Pickering and Middlesborough. I was quite happy to find the collection of Tolkien books. I am getting a bit of a collection of books from or around him in the library and it would be nice to get around to reading more of them.

So this the the book haul for last weekend. Not the smallest but also not the biggest. I hope your reading journey is going well, have fun visiting other worlds.