I was close to cancelling this again as the latest box was disappointing. It is a gamble what you get with subscriptions like these. The latest one had a book I own already had with Blade Priest. (Not supposed to happen as I linked my GoodReads, but they asked me to regift it and will add another to the next box so that is good)
I will say i am not bashing the service. I love the idea, and it is performing a great service to my beloved books. So, I have had a few boxes now, and I am generally happy, but I need more of the Dragon/Magic based fantasy and more Sci-Fi as there is a lack of Sci-Fi in these boxes.

The other three books are technically Fantasy but as I have said before they are not what I would think of in a Fantasy / Sci-Fi box. Always North is an adventure on a boat into Iceland. The Silence is like a near-future type book and the Phlebotomist is around using blood to make money. they are not bad books from the look of it, but with my TBR pile being so big I would not have bought these books and I really don’t know when I will get around to reading them.
I am due to get an extra book in the next two boxes so I will wait until then to decide but if it doesn’t improve this will be something I cancel again.
We shall see.