I need to get posting on here a bit more and getting on track with my reading is one way of doing this. I am in a bit of a reading slowdown (I won’t say slump) I am currently reading:
- The Dragonbone Chair, Tad Williams
- The Adventures of Amina al-Sirafi, Shannon Chakraborty
- Children Of Time, Adrian Tchaikovsky
- The Alchemist Secret, Scott Mariana
- Of Blood and Fire, Ryan Cahill
- Audio – The Painted Man, Peter V Brett

I said this year I would stick to one Audio, one Sci-Fi, and finally one Fantasy. This isn’t working as well as I had hoped and I just need to crack on and get the ones I am reading finished as I have a long TBR list that I would love to get through. I keep buying more that I want to read so I need to get on with it.
I am getting through the audio ones at the moment as I am doing a bit of driving and I get through them when on the road. Listening to Painted Man (Demon Cycle) again as I want to read the sequel series so catching up this way. These books are so good, I love Peter V Brett’s writing.
I joined a WAterstons reading group and I am reading The Adventures of Amina al-Sirafi by Shannon Chakraborty as a part of this, so I may need to prioritise this one as I need to have read it by the end of the month. This is not an issue normally as I can read a book in a day or so, but it has to grab me and I am struggling at the moment as I am reading so many at once.
Anyway, I am off to do a bit of reading.